Purpose of this chat
I chatted to Mariam Motala (PGDA MAF lecturer and Programme Head) and Romaana Karodia (PGDA Tax lecturer) from Regent Business School.
They’ve both been lecturing PGDA students for years, and we chatted about the struggles that we feel students face, what they should be thinking of and focussing on as they study.
This is really valuable for students who are not yet at PGDA level, because we chat about the bigger picture of the profession, why the exams are designed the way they are, and this needs to guide the way you’re studying while you’re in undergrad as well.
How did we get into lecturing?
Both Mariam and Romaana have been lecturing for years, we chatted about how we all got into lecturing and why.
How do we feel about our subjects?
Each subject has its’ own ‘personality’. We’re drawn to lecturing the subject we are because of certain characteristics and experiences. We chatted a little about why we like our subjects, (and why we feel they’re better than the others!).
(I think it’s fair to say that we’ve allocated MAF as a ‘mean girl’ of the subjects!)
Have exams changed?
There have been changes to the style and skill requirements of exams over the years. We chat about this, and how it should impact students as they study and consider what to focus on.
This is a really important conversation, because understanding that last year won’t be the same as next year, means you may need to study differently! (Not HARDER, but DIFFERENTLY)
What's the bigger picture of your studying and profession?
The more you understand what your profession wants from you, the more you’ll understand how and why they’re preparing you through the exams you’re setting.
This is so important for ANY level of studying. It will also probably help explain why you’re struggling, and why the work you’re putting in, often doesn’t seem to feel like it’s paying off
Note: You’re not bad students. You’ve been taught how to learn in a certain way. It’s probably time to change that.
Why are our students MORE likely to struggle with Management Accounting & Finance (MAF)?
This is the subject that most students struggle with… why?!
The profession is changing and evolving. Are you being left behind?
Advice for Management Accounting & Finance (MAF) students?
We understand why students study the way they do
It often sounds like we’re criticising students as though we ‘blame’ them for the stuff we see them struggle with, because we keep saying “Students should…”
The reality is that we UNDERSTAND where your approach and study habits come from. We REALISE where you got it from, and how you feel about it. We KNOW how frustrated and stressed you are. We realise what you’re facing, and how much of a shift this all is… and we’re there for you!
The smartest thing to do is accept that you need to change, realise that your lecturers are on your side, and spend your time working on those changes… you’re SUPPORTED, not criticised.
How different subjects are changing (ie: Discussion Questions)
This one’s interesting, I want you to pay attention to the changes in Taxation that Romaana chats about around 33:07
Your lecturers are waiting for you to ask for help
Why do students struggle to ask questions? Why don’t they want their lecturers to know how they’re struggling?
If you're starting your year...
We wish you well for your studies this year.
Have the courage to learn, to struggle, to ask. We’re behind you all the way!