Every semester, every year, I counsel students on how they should study. They always want the ‘secret to success’ for their studies… well… here it is…

Work through the picture slowly… think about each step… follow the numbering (it is a little chaotic!)


If you can relate, or have a query...


  1. WOW! This is so true… I think this technique might help really well. It easy to work with and logical.

    Thank you very much for sharing.

    • Awesome! It’s so obvious when you see it like that… But your brain will trick you into avoiding it to keep you in your comfort zone!!!

  2. Thank you so much for this Yvonne, I applied this technique yesterday and I wasn’t as discouraged and frustrated by the 20% as much as I used to

  3. Hi Yvonne, l’m really struggling with structuring my studies,I will adapt this method thank you.

  4. Hi Yvonne, im curious, does the doing of questions not ‘ waste ‘ a question because its evident that you dont understand the theory completely?

  5. Hi Yvonne, I’m doing my third year in Bcom Accounting at ukzn and I am struggling with Auditing… I came across your blog and online classes and I was wondering whether I can register for them even though I don’t go to unisa???

    • Hi!
      I see you emailed me… I replied there… but for the benefit of anyone else… absolutely. Our courses are designed to ‘stand alone’. You don’t need any UNISA material etc. Each topic is explained properly, and I focus on understanding, rather than memory. I’ve also added some visual stuff in there… especially with the General and Application controls… I’m particularly proud of those… they explain stuff so much faster and simpler than a ‘normal’ lecture 🙂
      I think you’ll like it. And it will definitely help!

  6. Hi Yvonne
    Just discovered your article now. I am 35 years old and decided to attempt my cta 1 this year. I studied all the theory for test 1 and now am trying questions. To say i feel overwhelmed is an understatement. I have 3 more tests after this. I am definitely trying your approach. Thank you for sharing.

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Yvonne Starkey CA(SA)

Yvonne Starkey CA(SA)

I coach accounting students who are struggling with their study habits and mindset, and want their studies to be as effective as they used to be. See more on my about page

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